Ask Seek Knock

Bible Resource and Reminder App

Schedule a inspirational Bible verse to uplift you at your most difficult time of day, or start your day with God’s word.

To view the notification touch and pull down. If in locked screen mode, swipe to the right and select view. After you view and close your notification it resets automatically with a new verse for the next day.

Ask for Guidance

Powered by a random verse generator for the purpose of asking God to give you direction, and speak to you through his word. Press the “Ask for Guidance” button and get your personalized Bible verse.

Seek Bible Help

Receive scriptural support for the challenges we face in life.

List of topics covered:

“Health Problems”, “Loss of a Loved One”, “Career Problems”, “Depression”, “Marital Problems”, “Anxiety”, “Financial Problems”, “Fear”, “Stress”, “Peer Pressure”, “Controlling Anger”, “Forgiving Others”, “Sin”, “Lustful Thinking”, “Jealousy”, “Dealing with Pride”, “Greed”, “Envy”, “Laziness or Sloth”, “Gluttony”, “Patience”, and “Keeping Faith”

Each help topic is displayed with a beautiful scenic photo that changes each time you visit, and easy to read Bible verses that specifically address each problem.

Teachings of Jesus

Instant access to the entire account and instructions given by Jesus from the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It also contains the account of Jesus’s birth, death, and ascension.

Easy reading on each topic along with separate paragraphs for the words of Jesus.

Knock for Salvation

Here you have the opportunity to become a follower of Jesus by praying the “Prayer of Salvation”

Christian Statutes

Reference Christian beliefs and statutes stated in the Bible.

Prayer List

Keep a list of people or things that you are praying for.