Habit 21

Designed to help you live the life you want by assisting you in the formation of good habits!

The app contains hundreds of motivational quotes about habit forming from some of the world’s most renown philosophers on the subject. These quotes help explain why our daily habits are so important, and how the habits we choose to entertain can effect our lives.

The Concept Behind Habit 21

Habit 21 is based on the findings from Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon, who wrote a book entitled “Psycho-Cybernetics”.\n\nDr. Maltz shared the observation that it took 21 days for amputees to cease feeling phantom sensations in the amputated limb. He also found that it took approximately 21 days for his surgical patients to let go of their pre-surgery mental images and accept their new appearance.  From further observations, he found that many of his customers retained a poor self image even after having surgery which improved their appearance. This prompted him to work with his clients’ self image prior to surgery, and he discovered that he could assist them to acquire an improved self image without surgery, using the same 21-day period to create changes in their mindset, and that surgery then became unnecessary for them.

“Brain circuits take engrams (memory traces), and produce neuroconnections and neuropathways only if they are bombarded for 21 days in a row. This means that our brain does not accept new data for a change of habit unless it is repeated each day for 21 days (without missing a day).” Maxwell Maltz

Form up to four habits at a time.  Start by choosing a trigger word, then select the desired time you wish to perform your new habit.
After the 21 day habit training has been completed, your new habit can be stored allowing you to keep up with your progress. 
Here you can view your formed habits, and edit them according to your short-term and long-term goals.

Since the release of Dr. Maltz’s book in 1960, the ’21 Day Habit Theory’ of “Psycho-Cybernetics” has become an accepted part of self-help programs, and has been referenced by countless authors, motivational speakers, and self-improvement gurus.

“After forming several habits of my own using this theory, I decided to create this app to help others build habits using this method.  I believe that anyone who wants to create a new habit, or to break an old one, can achieve it using this method.  Remember, choose something you actually want to do and that will work with your schedule and lifestyle, and do not miss a day performing your new habit or you will need to restart the process.  Also, life-changing habits like “Running 2 Miles a Day” will be much harder to form, than say, “Eating an Apple a Day”.  So, start small and work your way up, get the wheels in motion, steer yourself toward long-term success and become the person you’ve always dreamed of being!” Michael Nash App Developer

Get the App today and start building the habits of a happier, healthier life!